Karrington Woods Homeowners Association


Covenant - Fences


(from the original covenants see file listing on this page)



Plans showing exact locations and construction details of fences, walls, hedges or mass screening plantings shall be submitted to the Declarant/Association and be approved before they may be constructed or planted. No fences erected on any Lot shall be higher than four (4) feet from the graded surface of the ground on which said fence is erected. Chain link fences are not permitted.


Contact your neighbors when planning to build a fence, to let them know where you're planning to build it, what it will look like, etc. This will go a long way to minimizing issues and it's being a good neighbor.

Look around at the fences built by other homes for tips on a succesful fence design.

The city regulates fences, and you will need a permit to build one.

You can find contact information for the Architectural Review Committee members on the About Us page.


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